Good Vibes Baking Cookbook Review

Good Vibes Baking Cookbook Review
””Good Vibes Baking: Bakes To Make Your Soul Shine and Your Taste Buds Sing

Author: Sandro Farmhouse
Published: May 28, 2024, DK Publishing
No. of Pages: 208
Cover Price: $26.48 Hardcover, $12.99 Kindle

There are dozens of reasons for us to bake. However, Sandro Farmhouse, a runner-up in the Great British Bake-off, has come up with a new one that most of us haven’t thought about. Baking gives us good vibes. He explains and illustrates this in his excellent cookbook, Good Vibes Baking: Bakes To Make Your Soul Shine and Your Taste Buds Sing.

Just perusing this cookbook will give anyone “good vibes.” The recipes are very appealing and absolutely tempting. There is enough variety to keep most of us creating spectacular desserts for months. The recipes are written in the traditional manner with a list of ingredients followed by step-by-step instructions to insure perfect results. The author has also included notes at the beginning of each recipe with helpful comments.

While there are some beautiful, professional photographs of the recipes, all are not pictured. This is the only negative aspect of the cookbook. Nevertheless, there are enough to entice anyone to prepare all of them. Frankly, there are no recipes in this cookbook that readers won’t want to make. Many are unique and many are familiar, but with new twists. Besides the recipes for beautiful desserts, there is an excellent section on basic recipes and Techniques which is very helpful.

All told, this is an excellent choice to add to any cookbook collection.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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