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Content Query at BellaOnline

BellaOnline is a network of over 400 sites, each personally written by a passionate writer. Our writers live all over the globe - from Australia to South Africa, from Columbia to New York City. They work from home, submitting their articles that reflect their unique views of their topic area.

Sites With Editors
If you have a question about the content a particular editor has written, it is usually best to contact that editor directly. She wrote it from her heart and posted it directly to her site. BellaOnline administration does not change or review that content. The editor has the full ability to add and update content whenever she wishes. For example, if you have questions about what she wrote or need more details about that content, the editor would be the person to talk with about it. You can contact any editor by clicking on their name or photo on their topic area.

If the question is more of a legal nature - if you have a concern about plagiarism or similar sorts of legal concerns, it is always best to start by talking with the editor in question. Since the editor wrote the material, they would be best positioned to discuss the issue with you and find a resolution.

If you find you cannot work through a satisfactory solution with the editor directly, then please use this form to forward along the correspondence to date with the editor. That will allow the BellaOnline administration team to review the situation, see the concerns both side have, and then work to moderate a solution.

Sites Without Editors
If you are curious about content on a site which currently does not have an editor, then you can use this form to present an issue you have with that content.

Be aware, though, that we would not be able to know why the editor chose to write what she did. That is, if the editor wrote about persian cats being unsuitable for kids, we would not be able to clarify why she wrote that. You would want to go a Google search to find that editor's other websites to follow up with her. The only types of questions we could handle in that situation would be concerns about plagiarism, where the content needed to be taken down.

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Summertime Foods
Corn on the Cob
Burgers on the Grill
Apple Pie


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