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Katharion - BellaOnline Testimonials

BellaOnline receives over 20 million pageviews a month. With that large volume of traffic comes an equally large volume of email. With over 300 editors in our system, we are the target for spammers, mass mailers, random emailers, and much more. The volume of email our servers have to process - and our editors have to wade through - can be staggering.

In March 2006 we began a relationship with Katharion. Katharion is different than anti-spam filters which sit on your server. Most mail filters chew up incredible amounts of resources as they download the deluge of email and then slowly wade their way through it. Katharion works in a completely up front manner - filtering all of the email before it ever gets to you.

Think of it in this manner. Imagine the incoming mail being a muddy fire hose trained on your server blasting it so it is completely bogged down in receiving and processing all those spam messages. Now imagine Katharion steps in. Katharion's servers take the brunt of that fire hose - all mail goes to THEM first. They do all the processing externally. The only mail they release as their output to your servers is a gentle, crystal pure stream of real email.

When we hooked up to the Katharion system, our server performance increased dramatically, overnight. This improvement was because our mail servers no longer had to deal with the mountains of crud junk mail that were coming in. Katharion literally filtered out **90%** of that incoming mail as spam. This is how much junk our filters previously had to deal with, and our editors had to read through. All of that work and annoyance was now being handled by Katharion, and we never had to see any of it again.

We have not encountered any problems with false positives, and while no anti-spam filter is ever perfect, the fact that they are already screening out 90% of the mail as junk and allowing us to peacefully handle the remaining 10% is an incredible boost to our server speed and productivity. Their customer service is top notch and they promtly respond to any questions.

Highly recommended - every web server should have their mail pre-screened, for security reasons and server speed reasons.

Katharion website

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