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MailEnable - BellaOnline Testimonials

BellaOnline is an extremely large website. We get over 20 million pageviews a month. We have over 300 editors who receive thousands of email messages a day. It is absolutely critical to us that our mail software run smoothly, quickly, and without any glitches at all.

In February, 2003, after intensive research, we decided to go with MailEnable mail software. We have used MailEnable now for many years and have found them to provide a superb product. Their software is incredibly robust and handles hundreds of thousands of mail messages. Their web interface allows each BellaOnline editor to log into her very own mail area, customize her signature and auto-response, manage her mail, manage contacts and calendars, and much more. A similar admin interface allows the managers to keep track of all the mail accounts and work with them easily.

The times we have had server problems (unrelated to MailEnable's software) the MailEnable support team has been right there for us, providing instant feedback and support. I once had to rebuild a mail server while traveling in Ukraine, and the MailEnable folk were there every step of the way for me, logging in and assisting me with the rebuild. They went far above and beyond the call of duty.

Many other companies offer only canned responses to questions, in a gobbly-gook language you have trouble deciphering. MailEnable has real humans answering your questions, who look at your accout, understand your issues and give you solid advice and help.

In the many years I've worked with MailEnable I've felt solid pleasure every time I work with them. I count my lucky stars every day that their MailEnable product is so robust and dependable. While hosting companies may come and go, and spam loads ever increase, MailEnable chugs along and is always there for me.

I give the highest recommendation possible to MailEnable, and wholeheartedly endorse their software. I wish everyone made a product this reliable and provided this high level of support. website

BellaOnline Testimonials

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